Todd and Cheryl Get Married!

Our Wedding Day: July 31st, 2001


I remember my thoughts on this day . . . .


I can’t believe I met someone that can relate to all of my thoughts. She understands the decisions I make in life . . . we both know what makes each other feel happy.


I never felt this way before with anybody else. It’s like a dream come true! And, to top it all off. . . she’s beautiful and sweet and loving and kind. Cheryl is also, one of the smartest women I have ever had the opportunity to become a partner with.

SPECIAL GUESTS at the WEDDING and RECEPTION:  Nancy Cecil, Uriel Cecil, Mark Cecil, Diana, Megan, Shannon Cecil-Rogers, Lee Rogers, Matthew Cecil, Barbara Singbeil, Mary-Ellen Singbeil, Linda Toler, Jim Hill, Sandra Hill, Jeff O’Neil, James O’Neil, Eric O’Neil, Stephen Castle, John Hiese, Jim Handcock and others.

I’ll always remember this day as one of the most exciting days of my life. . . July, 31st, 2001.