Todd RETIRED from his job as Parts Manager | 2020
Todd retired from his 9-to-5 job as Parts Manager at Veterans Ford in Tampa, FL (APRIL 1st, 2020).
Todd retired at 53 years old. Todd had various jobs and positions though-out the years . . . Here’s a sample.
- Lawn Mower (yard-to-yard around the neighborhood) College Park, MD
- Paper Routes (Washington Post)
- Maintenance and Lawn Care at a small Apartment complex.
- Parts Drive (Koons Ford) 1983
- Parts Counterperson 1984
- Parts Wholesale Specialist 1985
- Parts Wholesale Specialist (Academy Ford) 1989
- Parts Specialist (Lanham Ford) 1991
- Drywall Finisher Specialist (Bill Brown Drywall, FL) 1993
- Parts Wholesale Specialist (Scarritt Lincoln Mercury, FL) 1994
- Parts Manager (Scarritt L/M) 1999
- Parts and Service Director/Manager (Scarritt) 2003
- Parts Manager (Veterans Ford, Tampa) 2007
- RETIRED 2020