Todd Started his NEW YouTube Channel | twHomeShow

Todd became to love the hobby of filming and creating interesting videos. He was filming family-home videos for years and realized he could actually create a custom “YouTube” Channel and create videos for EVERYONE around the world (not just for his family). YouTube was just in its beginning, back then.

He came up with the name, twHomeShow because it was short for: Todd’s World Home Show. He was going to highlight videos of ideas and creations he made around his home and wanted to help people re-create these unique experiences.

Remember, Todd was an amateur when it comes to creating videos for the public. He had NO idea how hard it would be to STAR in his own show and you can tell if you watch some of the early videos he uploaded to twHomeShow.  It was kind of embarrassing. But he continued, like he always does, and strived to become less shy, less awkward, and less boring.  As of JULY 2023, twHomeShow has over 19 thousand SUBSCRIBERS to his YT channel.